Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies

Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies

A recent study by McKinsey "The social economy: Unlocking value and productivity through social technologies" amongst 4,200 executives reveals that a white collar worker on average spends 28% of the time handling emails - equivalent to 1,5 days a week - and spends 20% of the time - equivalent to 1 day a week - searching for information. This is indeed food for thought and is exactly what effectlauncher is build to reduce ...and subsequently increase productivity and joy-at-work.
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What is your biggest productivity roadblock?

What is your biggest productivity roadblock? An interesting survey among 1,400 white collar workers reveals the 15 biggest barriers to personal productivity. In effect an intelligent and user-friendly webbased project- and process management software like effectlauncher will contribute to a reductions of 14 out 15 barriers.  
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